/* * special event API with Hammer.JS * version 0.9 * author: Damien Antipa * https://github.com/dantipa/hammer.js */ (function ($) { var hammerEvents = ['hold','tap','doubletap','transformstart','transform','transformend','dragstart','drag','dragend','swipe','release']; /* * HammerSEFunctions * maintains which function should be used to handle * events. * * _fn : is the original function used to handle events. * Faster than _delegateFn, but it does not support delegated * or bubbled events through jQuery. * * _delegateFn : a function that supports delegated/bubbled events * in jQuery, but it is slower than _fn as it doesn't use a cached * jQuery call ($target) to trigger from and must construct a new * jQuery object based on the event target each time the event triggers. * * addDelegate : adds the handler guid created by jQuery to _delegateGuids. * * removeDelegate : removes the handler guid (if found) in _delegateGuids. * * getFn : returns either _fn or _delegateFn based on there being any handler * guids saved in _delegateGuids. If there are no guids saved, then the faster * function (_fn) is used. Otherwise, _delegateFn must be used and will be * returned. * * destroy : destroys all dynamically generated properties in the object. This * may be overkill, but it will help to reduce the chances of any sneaky * memory leaks cropping up. */ function HammerSEFunctions(/*event,$target*/){ var event = arguments[0], $target = arguments[1]; this._delegateGuids = []; this._fn = function(ev){ $target.trigger($.Event(event,ev)); }; this._delegateFn = function(ev){ var jqevt = $.Event(event,ev); $(jqevt.originalEvent.target).trigger(jqevt); }; } HammerSEFunctions.prototype = { addDelegate : function(guid){ this._delegateGuids.push(guid); return this; }, removeDelegate : function(guid){ var index = this._delegateGuids.indexOf(guid); if(index >= 0){ this._delegateGuids.splice(index); } return this; }, getFn : function(){ return this._delegateGuids.length > 0 ? this._delegateFn : this._fn; }, destroy : function(){ this._fn = null; this._delegateFn = null; this._delegateGuids = null; delete this._fn; delete this._delegateFn; delete this._delegateGuids; } }; $.each(hammerEvents, function(i, event) { $.event.special[event] = { setup: function(data, namespaces, eventHandle) { var $target = $(this), hammer = $target.data('hammerjs'); if (!hammer) { hammer = new Hammer(this, data); hammer.__Fns = {}; $target.data('hammerjs', hammer); } hammer.__Fns[event] = new HammerSEFunctions(event,$target); }, add : function(handleObj) { var hammer = $(this).data('hammerjs'); if (!!handleObj.selector) { hammer.__Fns[event].addDelegate(handleObj.guid); } hammer['on' + event] = hammer.__Fns[event].getFn(); }, remove : function(handleObj) { var hammer = $(this).data('hammerjs'); if (!!handleObj.selector) { hammer.__Fns[event].removeDelegate(handleObj.guid); } hammer['on' + event] = hammer.__Fns[event].getFn(); }, teardown: function(namespaces) { var hammer = $(this).data('hammerjs'); hammer.__Fns[event].destroy(); delete hammer.__Fns[event]; } }; }); }(jQuery)); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 08:39:19 Oct 22, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:42:19 Feb 25, 2019. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): LoadShardBlock: 84.677 (3) esindex: 0.005 captures_list: 98.572 CDXLines.iter: 10.646 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 91.707 (4) exclusion.robots: 0.245 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.233 RedisCDXSource: 0.749 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 16.802 load_resource: 41.926 * * version 0.9 * author: Damien Antipa * https://github.com/dantipa/hammer.js */ (function ($) { var hammerEvents = ['hold','tap','doubletap','transformstart','transform','transformend','dragstart','drag','dragend','swipe','release']; /* * HammerSEFunctions * maintains which function should be used to handle * events. * * _fn : is the original function used to handle events. * Faster than _delegateFn, but it does not support delegated * or bubbled events through jQuery. * * _delegateFn : a function that supports delegated/bubbled events * in jQuery, but it is slower than _fn as it doesn't use a cached * jQuery call ($target) to trigger from and must construct a new * jQuery object based on the event target each time the event triggers. * * addDelegate : adds the handler guid created by jQuery to _delegateGuids. * * removeDelegate : removes the handler guid (if found) in _delegateGuids. * * getFn : returns either _fn or _delegateFn based on there being any handler * guids saved in _delegateGuids. If there are no guids saved, then the faster * function (_fn) is used. Otherwise, _delegateFn must be used and will be * returned. * * destroy : destroys all dynamically generated properties in the object. This * may be overkill, but it will help to reduce the chances of any sneaky * memory leaks cropping up. */ function HammerSEFunctions(/*event,$target*/){ var event = arguments[0], $target = arguments[1]; this._delegateGuids = []; this._fn = function(ev){ $target.trigger($.Event(event,ev)); }; this._delegateFn = function(ev){ var jqevt = $.Event(event,ev); $(jqevt.originalEvent.target).trigger(jqevt); }; } HammerSEFunctions.prototype = { addDelegate : function(guid){ this._delegateGuids.push(guid); return this; }, removeDelegate : function(guid){ var index = this._delegateGuids.indexOf(guid); if(index >= 0){ this._delegateGuids.splice(index); } return this; }, getFn : function(){ return this._delegateGuids.length > 0 ? this._delegateFn : this._fn; }, destroy : function(){ this._fn = null; this._delegateFn = null; this._delegateGuids = null; delete this._fn; delete this._delegateFn; delete this._delegateGuids; } }; $.each(hammerEvents, function(i, event) { $.event.special[event] = { setup: function(data, namespaces, eventHandle) { var $target = $(this), hammer = $target.data('hammerjs'); if (!hammer) { hammer = new Hammer(this, data); hammer.__Fns = {}; $target.data('hammerjs', hammer); } hammer.__Fns[event] = new HammerSEFunctions(event,$target); }, add : function(handleObj) { var hammer = $(this).data('hammerjs'); if (!!handleObj.selector) { hammer.__Fns[event].addDelegate(handleObj.guid); } hammer['on' + event] = hammer.__Fns[event].getFn(); }, remove : function(handleObj) { var hammer = $(this).data('hammerjs'); if (!!handleObj.selector) { hammer.__Fns[event].removeDelegate(handleObj.guid); } hammer['on' + event] = hammer.__Fns[event].getFn(); }, teardown: function(namespaces) { var hammer = $(this).data('hammerjs'); hammer.__Fns[event].destroy(); delete hammer.__Fns[event]; } }; }); }(jQuery)); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 08:39:19 Oct 22, 2016 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 06:42:19 Feb 25, 2019. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): LoadShardBlock: 84.677 (3) esindex: 0.005 captures_list: 98.572 CDXLines.iter: 10.646 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 91.707 (4) exclusion.robots: 0.245 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.233 RedisCDXSource: 0.749 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 16.802 load_resource: 41.926 */