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We took our HCG ("trigger") shot last night and are scheduled for egg retrieval Wed. am...holy cats- tomorrow! I have to admit, it felt pretty good to do the last stim shot yesterday. No shots today- woop woop! Lot's of laying around this past weekend...I have felt really good but by last Sat. my body was telling me it was wiped out. And after the HCG shot last night- my belly is SORE!! Lot's of emotions as we are excited, nervous and more for tomorrow morning. The next few d latest prom collections look hot ... ays we are praying for:
-Kris and I to continue trusting God and his marvelous plan
-God to watch over the decision making and hands of our dr, nurses and embryologists
-Calmness and peace for Kris and I tonight to get a good night's rest and be ready for tomorrow. (Luckily...I will have some happy, sleepy juice)!
-My ovaries to produce some fine looking eggs! :)
-Good weather to drive to msp tonight

Again...we are so thankful for the blessings that have been provided thus far. And we can only thank God for this opportunity being at the point it is.

P.S. I have not had any hormonal moments until about 10:30pm when I was yelling and laughing hysterically at Kris at the same time, over the volume of the t.v.- YIKES :) memories!

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