extra sized ball styled items to wear of the wedding


Petit a petit is a french word meaning little by little. Before big, there was small. Every graduate started from pre-nursery. They are now graduate because they started from the grassroot. Every big establishment started from little one. You don't become a medical doctor overnight; rather you become one, little by little. It is a process. Almost everything in this world is a process. We grow spiritually, emotionally, academically, financially from one step(l ... ittle) to another step(bigger).

By His grace, i have and had interacted with many on relationship matters both on facebook and abode. I noticed how relationship that was once wholesome turned to be unwholesome. Let me tell you, relationship becomes unwholesome little by little. Don't forget little by little is equivalent to step by step.

Some friends regretted their action; in the name of fornication. Remember fornication, break up, etc is not an immediate action. It occurs little by little. Is not as if the victims don't know fornication is bad; is not as if they don't attend church, mosque; is not as if they don't have knowledge of Christ. Rather they refuse to set barriers. A life without barrier will lead to destruction little by little. A life with barriers will reach their destination little by little. Every relationship that lacks barriers will crash the ship and the passengers. extra sized ball styled items to wear of the wedding

Is kissing a sin? I was asked by a friend one day. Kissing who i repied. Another friend said, she will love to have a kiss from me, and i replied i can only permit that if we end up as husband and wife. She said, even ordinary kissing? I replied yes, i have my standard/barrier. Kissing is one of the steps or process that often leads to fornication(product). Take or leave it, kissing is not for singles!!!

Fornication don't just occur. It occurs by steps. The steps includes: kissing, fondling, emotional eye looking, touching, talking arousing words etc. All these are catalyst that leads to fornication. You cannot overcome fornication is you fail to deactivate these catalyst from your relationship.

If you must overcome this mess. Then deal with these steps asap.

C. N. Ebere

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